Human language is more than just information. Language reflects the way we think and feel. At scale, this potentially allows us to model both the world we live in and intelligence itself. I want to understand and expand the intersection between language modeling, vision, reasoning, planning, and interacting with the real world. Simple is always better than complex, and I think the convergence of deep learning to Transformers is a good example. I've interned at Google, Apple, and Amazon Research. Currently, I am a PhD student at UMass Lowell, advised by Prof. Anna Rumshisky. Check out my publications publications and CV
@article{lialin2023multimodal, title={Scalable and Accurate Self-Supervised Multimodal Representation Learning Without Aligned Video and Text Data}, author={Vladislav Lialin, Stephen Rawls, David Chan, Shalini Ghosh, Anna Rumshisky, Wael Hamza}, year={2019}}
@article{lehman2022learning, title={Learning to Ask Like a Physician}, author={Lehman, Eric and Lialin, Vladislav and Legaspi, Katelyn Y and Sy, Anne Janelle R and Pile, Patricia Therese S and Alberto, Nicole Rose I and Ragasa, Richard Raymund R and Puyat, Corinna Victoria M and Alberto, Isabelle Rose I and Alfonso, Pia Gabrielle I and others}, journal={In Proceedings of the 4th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, pages 74–86, Seattle, WA. Association for Computational Linguistics.}, year={2022}}
@article{lialin2022life, title={Life after BERT: What do Other Muppets Understand about Language?}, author={Lialin, Vladislav and Zhao, Kevin and Shivagunde, Namrata and Rumshisky, Anna}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.10696}, year={2022}}
@article{lialin2020update, title={Update frequently, update fast: Retraining semantic parsing systems in a fraction of time}, author={Lialin, Vladislav and Goel, Rahul and Simanovsky, Andrey and Rumshisky, Anna and Shah, Rushin}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07865}, year={2020}}
@article{lialin2020update, title={Update frequently, update fast: Retraining semantic parsing systems in a fraction of time}, author={Lialin, Vladislav and Goel, Rahul and Simanovsky, Andrey and Rumshisky, Anna and Shah, Rushin}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.07865}, year={2020}}
@article{lialin2020continual, title={Continual Learning for Neural Semantic Parsing}, author={Lialin, Vladislav and Goel, Rahul and Simanovsky, Andrey and Rumshisky, Anna and Shah, Rushin}, year={2020}}
@article{lialin2020unet, title={Injecting Hierarchy with U-Net Transformers}, author={Donahue, David., Lialin, Vladislav., & Rumshisky, Anna.}, year={2019}}